The ERF 2016 has ended. Special thanks to all organaisers, sponsors, and exibitors. See you next year in Edinburgh at ERF 2017.
After its start in San Sebastian in 2010, this annual event has quickly become the most influential meeting of the European robotics community.
Researchers, engineers, managers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs and business people from all over Europe come together to discuss topics and contents which has an immediate impact on the roadmapping process for robotics in Europe.
If you are:
- working in basic research, applied research, or in a company using robots, or producing robots or any robotics technologies including autonomous and cognitive systems which are considered for transportation, health, and many other applications;
- a public or private investor in robotics R&D, or considering expanding your existing range of products and services into robotics;
- a stakeholder in regional, national, or European investments, in technology transfer, or want to support strategic decisions in favour of the enormous economic potential for robotics expected within the next 10 years,
you should definitely consider attending the largest annual robotics networking event organised by euRobotics AISBL, which is to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2016.
You will have the opportunity:
- to identify the potential of robotics applications for business, creation of jobs, and meeting societal needs;
- to learn about the state of the art and most recent breakthroughs in applications (from agricultural robots to health services);
- to learn about new robotic business potentials, including those through the establishment of spin-offs;
- to get to know ongoing initiatives in robotics within Europe;
- to listen to the European Commission’s opinion about European robotics;
- to voice your opinion to influence decision makers and strengthen the collaboration between all stakeholders in the robotics community.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to participate, contribute and have your voice heard.